“The best investment you can make, is an investment in yourself. The more you learn, the more you'll earn.”
Warren Buffett
There was a time when I wouldn’t invest in myself.
Do you recognise a bit of yourself in that?
But that was the old me! Of course, I still focus on the wellbeing of others, but alongside that I EMBRACE OPPORTUNITIES to invest in myself, and am so much happier and wealthier as a result.
In the last 3 years, I have invested in:
💪 A Financial Coaching Certification.
This enabled me to found my own company, Mint Coaching, and work as a Financial Coach. My job is an utter privilege - I am consistently inspired by my incredible clients and I truly LOVE WHAT I DO. How awesome is that?
💪 A CPD Accredited Business course.
This has meant I learned to grow my business and offer group & corporate coaching, presentations and workshops. I can HELP AND REACH MORE PEOPLE whilst advancing my career and personal growth.
💪 A Financial Life Planning self-taught training.
This has helped me and my family enormously as we focus on ENJOYING OUR LIVES NOW as well as providing for our future. It also naturally informs the way I work with my clients, expanding my knowledge which I can pass on to support others.
💪 A Life Coach to support my own journey.
Yes, Coaches have Coaches! Not only do we understand how HELPFUL AND SUPPORTIVE the process of being coached is, but we have our own goals and our own things that keep us 'stuck'. Having a Coach to help me on my journey keeps me sane (!), gives me a space just for me, and keeps me on track.
💪 A NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) seminar.
I am FASCINATED by language, as well as non-verbal communication, internal conversation, and the way our neurology is connected. This self-investment benefits my clients as well as me and indeed the relationships I have with my family and friends.
💪 And I’ve nearly finished a Degree-Level Certification in Life Coaching & Mentoring.
This inspirational and challenging qualification is enhancing my coaching expertise, creating further opportunities for me and my clients to explore their unique situation, identify their goals and unlock solutions to actually REACH THOSE GOALS!
I truly believe self-investment is the best investment.
Personally and professionally.
Not only have I found that the more I learn, the more I earn … but that self-investment makes me PROUD OF WHO I AM and my own personal development journey.
And I want the same for you too!
Self-investment is self-care.
It is an intentional and proactive process of allocating time, resources, and effort towards personal development, growth, and well-being.
So rejig your mindset from ‘spending on myself’ to ‘investing in myself’ and choose to experience the multiple benefits of this act of self-care.