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Here's the secret to reaching your goals!

"A goal without a plan is just a wish."

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry


How often have you set an exciting goal ...

... only to find that some time later (maybe a long time later) you haven’t made any headway with it?  Doh!

We can often be too vague when we goal set. 

For example:

🤷‍♀️I want to save more money … 

🤷‍♀️I am going to learn to speak Spanish ...

🤷‍♀️I am going to get fit …

Fab intentions, but they are just a bit wishy washy and under-defined.


If you want to goals that you can actually reach, the secret is to set S.M.A.R.T. goals.


So, what does S.M.A.R.T. stand for?


🌈 S is for SPECIFIC

When you set your goal, make the objective a specific one. 

For example rather than, “I want to save more money” ... go with something like, “I will save £3,000 by the end of the year”.

With this more SPECIFIC goal, you can put together a tangible plan e.g. "to do this I will need to save £250 per month, or £60 per week".



If your goal can be measured at different stages, and you can actually see or experience yourself moving forward with your plan and towards your goal, you create that vital motivation and energy to help you keep going.

Planning to increase your weight training so that you can lift a certain number of kgs by the end of the year? 

Track your improvements at regular stages - are you on track to succeed? 

Giving your goals a clearly MEASURABLE outcome gives you something to visualise and track.



Now I am not about to suggest your goals be too easy, but at the same time, you don’t want a goal that you can't conceivably hit. 

For example, if you want to learn to speak Spanish, but have never uttered a single ‘Hola’, then setting a goal of being fluent within 2 weeks might be a tad unrealistic.  

However, if you set a goal of being able to use conversational Spanish in the next 6 months using your learn-to-speak-Spanish app for 10 minutes a day, this will be more ACHIEVABLE!


🌈 R is for REALISTIC

Are you being realistic with your goal? 

Do you have the time and energy to commit to it? 

You know yourself and what you are going to be able to do. 

You know the change you want to make and how determined and driven you are. 

You know your habits and behaviours and what will perhaps take you off track, and indeed get you back on track. 

Be REALISTIC. You know you best.


🌈 T is for TIMEBOUND

You’ll be unsurprised to discover that I champion this one (email me about my love of time-blocking and I’ll tell you more!).

A clear time frame is essential for you to reach your goal. 

When will you accomplish your goal by?

What short-term timing markers will help you with this? 

Deadlines, that you respect and stick to, provide that sense of urgency as well as the drive to keep moving forwards. 

Being TIMEBOUND gives your goal or project an outline and a framework to support you on your way. 

And if you fall off the wagon, having that timing framework will help you hop straight back on.







💡 S.M.A.R.T.💡


And, don’t you just love it when an acronym conveniently spells out the meaning of its message? 😁 


So tell me .... 

Have you a goal in mind that you are going to be S.M.A.R.T. about? I'd love to hear your plans

Accountability is a great support and driver when you are S.M.A.R.T. goal setting.

Click on the button below to share your fabulous goals with me and to chat about ways I can support you along your way.

You've got this!

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Mint Coaching, a trading name of Rose Robert Projects Limited, is not regulated by the FCA.  We do not offer regulated financial advice.  We offer mentoring, coaching support and guidance so that you are empowered to make your own personal financial decisions.  For specific financial advice, please refer to an independent financial advisor.

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